The VirtualBox appliance’s disk is too small

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Vagrant and VirtualBox are very useful for testing provisioning systems like Ansible, Chef, Puppet. Sometimes the appliance disk space is not enough.

Here is a way to resize it.

Environment Setup

The following tutorial is based on the usage of Vagrant and ubuntu 16.05 Xenial appliance on Mac OSX, but the procedure is still valid for those using only VirtualBox.

Install Virtual Box

Download installer from VirtualBox site

Install Vagrant

Download 64bit version from Vagrant site

Download Appliance

run this command inside a terminal:

vagrant box add ubuntu/xenial64

Expand HDD Box image

Launch Virtual Box App

Import Virtual Box Appliance

Under the menu: File -> select “Import Appliance”

A dialog window will popup.

For Vagrant Users only

If you use Vagrant on Mac OSX then press MAIUSC + CMD + . to show hidden files in the file list. Go into your home folder.

Go into ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/ubuntu-VAGRANTSLASH-xenial64/20170418.0.0/virtualbox

For the others

Go to your boxes folder.

Folder may differ from ../20170418.0.0/..

Select box.ovf file inside your box folder


Press Import button to import the VM.

Resize Virtual Box Appliance Hard Disk

Under the menu: File -> select “Virtual Media Manager”

Select the row: ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk. It should have a Virtual Size of 10 GB.


Right click and choose “Copy”. A popup will appear.

Under the section “New hard disk to create” check the name. Name it ubuntu-xenial-16_copy.

Be sure that the file location will match the previous box folder (~/.vagrant.d/boxes/ubuntu-VAGRANTSLASH-xenial64/20170418.0.0/virtualbox)

Select “VDI” in Hard disk file type section and “Dynamically allocated” in Storage on physical hard disk section.


Then press copy to clone that hard disk.

Resize VDI Hard Disk

Now go back in terminal and cd into the appliance folder:

cd ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/ubuntu-VAGRANTSLASH-xenial64/20170418.0.0/virtualbox

Fix path for ../20170418.0.0/..

VBoxManage modifyhd ubuntu-xenial-16_copy.vdi --resize 51200

This will resize the VDI image from 10GB to 50GB

cp box.ovf box.ovf.ori

Backup the original ovf file

Swap Hard Disks

Select the new VM

It should be named like “ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg…”

Press Settings then go under Storage section. You should have 2 disks under SCSI controller.

Select the first one (it should have a size of 10GB). Right click and choose Remove from attachment.

Now add a new one by selecting “Controller: SCSI” tree element and pressing the plus button with the tooltip “Add new storage attachment” -> then select “Add new Hard Disk”

A dialog will be displayed. Press “Choose existing disk” button.

Choose ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/ubuntu-VAGRANTSLASH-xenial64/20170418.0.0/virtualbox/ubuntu-exnial-16_copy.vdi file. and confirm.

It everything is fine the new hard disk added should show a Virtual Size of 50 GB.


Export the Fixed Appliance

Under the menu: File -> select “Export Appliance”

Press Export button to confirm.

Now you have more space to provision your awesome system :sunglasses:

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